Joint Saviour12
We are using a patented technology- UltraSOL to get natural turmeric extract. This technology converts lipophilic compounds and poorly absorbed nutrients to water dispersible ingredients to optimize bioavailability and maximum absorption. It contains curcumin, a substance with powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These properties exert a protective effect to our body, protect us from free radical damage and controlling inflammation to reduce chronic disease risk.
Why choose Apotec Curmax Capsule?
- Using patented UltraSOL Technology to extract turmeric – Highly concentrated, smaller molecules.
- Contains up to 95 % of curcuminnnoids - Gentle to our stomach.
- 46 times better absorption – More effective and result can be seen in short time.
- Highest quality assurance - Manufactured with GMP, HACCP and MeSTI certified.
Main Ingredients:
- Rhizome Curcuma longa extract powder (Turmeric)
Take 2 capsules once daily after meal.
Mr. Nigel 27 years old
I have eczema problem and I find when I use the turmeric extract in addition of Omega 3 fish oil. My eczema condition much better than before.
Mr. Daniel Low, 40 years old
I suffered from a flu and someone recommended I to take the turmeric supplement. My flu recovery faster than before.
Ms. Raihan 48 years old
Recently I have muscle pain at knee and arm area. It gets worse as it affects daily walking & strength of carrying thing using hand. I started consume 2 capsule before bed and I am free from muscle pain on the third day after consume 2 capsule in the morning and another 2 capsule at night.
Mr See, 45 years old
My back pain has reduced after I took the Curmax capsule by recommended by pharmacist. I took 2 capsules twice daily.